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Informazioni teatro

Trafalgar Studio One

Trafalgar Studio One

Trafalgar Studio One

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Biglietti per: Nine Night
da 70,00 €

Nine Night

Rimuovi salvati

Questo prodotto è così nuovo che non abbiamo ancora una traduzione in italiano, ma puoi tranquillamente prenotare senza problemi.

Family, food, music and mourning. Gloria is gravely sick. When her time comes, the celebration begins; the traditional Jamaican Nine Night Wake. But for Gloria’s children and grandchildren, marking her death with a party that lasts over a week is a test. Nine nights of music, food, sharing stories – and an endless parade of mourners. Natasha Gordon’s debut play Nine Night is a touching and very funny exploration of the rituals of family. Roy Alexander Weise directs a cast including Cecilia Noble.


Nine Night

14 Whitehall London SW1A 2DY


Linea Assistenza

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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