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London County Hall

London County Hall

London County Hall

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Witness for the Prosecution from October 2022

Biglietti per: Witness for the Prosecution from October 2022
da 120,40 €

Witness for the Prosecution from October 2022

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Questo prodotto è così nuovo che non abbiamo ancora una traduzione in italiano, ma puoi tranquillamente prenotare senza problemi.

YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED FOR JURY SERVICE... Step inside the magnificent surroundings of London County Hall and experience the intensity and drama of Agatha Christie’s gripping story of justice, passion and betrayal in a unique courtroom setting. Majestic foyer and bar areas and a spacious auditorium offer excellent ventilation and space for audiences to relax and enjoy this classic thriller. Leonard Vole is accused of murdering a widow to inherit her wealth. The stakes are high - will Leonard survive the shocking witness testimony, will he be able to convince the jury, and you of his innocence and escape the hangman’s noose? Don’t miss this landmark stage production on London’s Southbank. SEE YOU IN COURT. ★★★★★ “Over a year into its run, it’s better than ever” Mail on Sunday


Witness for the Prosecution from October 2022

Belvedere Road London SE1 7PB


Linea Assistenza

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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