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Informazioni teatro

Rose Theatre Kingston

Rose Theatre Kingston

Rose Theatre Kingston

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A View From The Bridge

Biglietti per: A View From The Bridge
da 21,40 €

A View From The Bridge

Rimuovi salvati

Questo prodotto è così nuovo che non abbiamo ancora una traduzione in italiano, ma puoi tranquillamente prenotare senza problemi.

‘Every man’s got somebody that he loves, heh? But sometimes… there’s too much. You know? There’s too much and it goes where it mustn’t.’
Beatrice and Eddie Carbone have built an all-American life in Brooklyn where people are meant to look out for each other. When wife and husband take in their relations, two hard-working Sicilian immigrants, the family should pull together. Instead, everything is starting to unravel. Eddie included.
A romantic spark between Eddie’s orphaned niece and one of the handsome arrivals, spins their stories beyond control. Eddie finds his darkest desire in danger of being exposed, and his violent passion risks setting aflame everything the family has built.

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A View From The Bridge

24-26 High Street Kingston, London KT1 1HL


Linea Assistenza

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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